
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Where Babies Come From

Once upon a time there was a frosting company that made delicious, creamy frosting. Once capitalism really made a break out and economic success was anyone's for the taking the frosting company developed the world's first Marketing Department.

After a few corny ads and mild growth the new Marketing Department (uninhibited by 'thinking in the box' as this was an entirely new concept) hatched the evil plan to go into women's brains and make them believe they NEEDED frosting. Right out of the tin. Right now. No matter what.

But how to get women to let them alter their brains? Ahh this, boys and girls, is where the first "Buy this and get this sample product free" campaign began. All you had to do was succumb to the mind altering psychosis of frosting-control and you get a cute little baby. Hitherto frosting-control was known as pregnancy.

Later on frosting was harder to come by because sugar cane was grown primarily in the South and the Civil War had great impact on transportation of goods so said frosting company took a major financial hit and sold it's exclusive rights to the 'brain-control' method to a pickle company, which is where that old stereo type comes from. This was a bad idea though because thanks to said war and proceeding war women started making their own pickles and getting their own babies.

But now we are in an economic recovery and the original frosting company that got into industrial production for a while is now run by a board that is taking the company back in it's original direction and so long story short, I am really, really, needing some frosting right now.

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