
Saturday, May 10, 2014

On Turning 30

I tried to hide, I tried to lie, I finally accepted it was coming, and that I would probably die.

The last night of my 29th year found me moping, sad, dreading. Dreams full of liquor stores that don't ask ID and anti aging creams made from youthful virgins. 

So in the morning when I woke on the dawn of my 30s, I was.... well, fine. Happy. Relieved. I'm 30. Thank God that 20s mess is over.

I was terrified of turning 30 until I turned 30. Now I'm terrified of 20-year-olds. #Someecards #DirtyThirty

 Now I'm here, there's no stopping it or dreading it and hey, I'm early thirties. For so long I've been LATE TWENTIES. Now I"m back in 'early camp'. Nice. I'm a baby. 

I instantly felt more confident. My life is no longer "an open road of possibilities, wondering what path I will take and where life will lead me". Now I kind of know. I've made a lot of those decisions, gone down paths. I'm at the point of living my life rather than thinking about it how it should go. Kinda like, I went to the nursery, chose the seeds and bulbs and starters, that's all done, no longer fussing over 'should I buy a banana tree or a tomato plant?' I've already chosen. I've already planted. Time to watch 'em grow.

They say you mature a lot and learn yourself when you turn 30. I did *not think* that literally happened in the midnight hours between 29 and 30.

Embrace the 30. I'm so cool with it, I"m not even scared of 40 anymore.

You? What was your BIG NUMBER? How do you feel about it?

photo credit: <a href="">Aih.</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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